Join Huntress CFO, Marcos Torres and Principle Security Researcher, John Hammond, as we look at the continuing financial complications following a cyberattack. Financial losses are ever-growing when looking at the world of cyberattacks; ransomware and other payment-forcing attack methods are increasing their asks exponentially as attackers realize there is a heavy reliance on company and personal data. This increase is seeing more and more groups set up larger and wider attack nets to ensnare more victims. However, is that where the costs associated stop being incurred?

“Do you fully understand the financial impact and implications of a devastating cyberattack?” This is the question we will explore within this webinar. The misleading understanding behind the thought, “I’ll pay the money and everything will be fine,” will be debunked as we look further from the attack and start to think about other implications that may occur after the fact and fully understand the average cost of a cyberattack against a business.

We will raise awareness to the fact that the initial cost is just one factor, and others include:

  • Cyber insurance premiums skyrocketing
  • Reputational losses
  • The cost of not being able to work
  • The cost of bringing everything back into a usable state

Key Takeaways:

  • The financial impact of not preparing for threats
  • Ever-growing attack methods
  • Proactive/preventive defense
CFO - Huntress
Marcos Torres is the Chief Financial Officer at Huntress, where he is building the Finance and Operations team that will support the company in their next wave of growth and IPO readiness . Marcos is a long-time entrepreneur and seasoned executive with over a decade of experience helping businesses succeed by ensuring their Strategy, Finance, and Operations work together cohesively. He has worked with businesses of all sizes, from early-stage startups to publicly traded companies, but his passion lies in partnering with driven entrepreneurs to make their ideas a reality. Prior to joining Huntress Labs, Marcos was VP of Finance and Business Operations at Nava PBC where he partnered with their executive team to execute strategies that lead to triple-digit growth during his tenure. Additionally, Marcos held key roles at Pendrell Corporation, a publicly-traded Intellectual Property Investment Company focused on technology portfolios, and Edgenuity, a KKR SaaS portfolio company in partnership with WeldNorth Education focused on EdTech. Marcos graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidad Metropolitana in Caracas, Venezuela in 2006, an MBA from the USC Marshall School of Business in Los Angeles, California, and The CFO Programme from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business. He has also held a number of volunteer leadership positions, most recently as the Treasurer of the USC Alumni Club of DC.
Principal Security Researcher - Huntress
John Hammond is a cybersecurity researcher, red teamer, and Capture the Flag enthusiast. As a Threat Operations analyst at Huntress, John spends his days reverse engineering malware and making hackers earn their access. Previously, as a Department of Defense Cyber Training Academy instructor, he taught the Cyber Threat Emulation course, educating both civilian and military members on offensive Python, PowerShell, other scripting languages and the adversarial mindset. He has developed training material and information security challenges for events such as PicoCTF and competitions at DEFCON US. John speaks at security conferences such as BsidesNoVA, to students at colleges such as the US Naval Academy, and other online events including the SANS Holiday Hack Challenge/KringleCon. He is an online YouTube personality showcasing programming tutorials, CTF video walkthroughs and other cyber security content. John currently holds the following certifications: Security+, CEH, LFS, eJPT, eCPPT, PCAP, OSWP, OSCP, OSWE, OSCE, and OSEP. 


11:00 - 12:00 hs GMT+1


Security Boulevard
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