With the transition to Industry 4.0, the flow of industrial data has come to resemble the central nervous system of manufacturing operations—transmitting vital signals throughout an industrial environment in an intricately orchestrated give and take. But too much or too little data, delivered too early or too late, causes confusion and chaos.

A pervasive problem is leaving behind unstructured data—most organizations don’t realize how much data they collect and how much information they don’t use. Studies show that 60-73% of all manufacturing data is never utilized or analyzed because it lives outside of readily accessible structured databases. This ambiguity impacts end-to-end visibility and slows down decision-making with bottom-line consequences.


Conversely, Artificial intelligence (AI) thrives at drawing insights from ambiguity and unlocking previously untapped data stores. AI is the Great Interpreter for machine and process data.


  • AI for prescriptive maintenance leverages sensor data and maintenance logs to alert workers to machine health and prescribe fixes.
  • Visual AI uses existing camera systems to alert workers about unsafe acts and near misses and recognizes production quality issues and process inefficiencies.
  • Natural language processing (NLP) and generative tools can advise staff about maintenance activities, asset performance, and more.

This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence for industrial operations, shedding light on key capabilities, complementary technologies, and how AI solutions fit seamlessly into your industrial ecosystem. We will dive deep into the workings of AI through real-world use cases, including how:

  • Visual AI can prevent up to 90% of unsafe acts and near misses, reducing accidents and enabling EHS managers.
  • Deep learning can accurately detect 99% of anomalies, reduces alarm fatigue by as much as 98%, and gives days, if not weeks, advance notice for asset failures.
  • Generative AI can provide real-time personalized insights drawing from organizational information in a secure and trusted way.

This webinar will guide you through identifying the most suitable AI based use cases for your business. Join us for this enlightening webinar and embark on a journey to industrial transformation.



20:00 - 21:00 hs GMT+1


Industry Week
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