The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act is applicable since the beginning of this year and will be expanded from 1 January 2024. Even more companies will be affected by the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD or CS3D) both in Germany and in the European Union. 

This new law will create rules in the EU to ensure that companies identify, prevent and mitigate ad-verse impacts on human rights and the environment along their value chains. Companies that fail to comply are liable for damages and may be subject to sanctions by national regulators. 

Do you want to learn more about how this will impact your current purchasing processes? In this webinar, you will discover the status quo and future rules. Dr. Christoph Schroeder, lawyer at CMS Germany with a focus on supply chain compliance, will provide an overview from a legal perspective and our solutions expert Timm Hemmert will discuss what this means for your business and how digitization can help. The following topics will be covered in the web session:

•           Which companies must apply the new rules?

•           When do we need to be ready?

•           Which due diligence obligations need to be fulfilled?

•           What are the consequences of non-compliance?

•           How can digital enablers help to address these obligations?


After the main discussion, there will be an opportunity to pose questions to the speakers as part of the Q&A.  
Register today - we look forward to your participation!


Timm Hemmert
Timm Hemmert
Director, Product Management SAP Procurement

Timm continuously builds on the bridge between customers and product engineering, related to spend management topics for 4 years now with SAP. He draws on his experience from 14 years in management consulting for procurement and supply chain transformations.s on the bridge between customers and product engineering, related to spend management topics for 4 years now with SAP. He draws on his experience from 14 years in management consulting for procurement and supply chain transformations.builds on the bridge between customers and product engineering, related to spend management topics for 4 years now with SAP. He draws on his experience from 14 years in management consulting for procurement and supply chain tTimm continuously builds on the bridge between customers and product engineering, related to spend management topics for 4 years now with SAP. He draws on his experience from 14 years in management consulting for procurement and supply chain transformations.ansformations.

Dr. Christoph Schroeder
Dr. Christoph Schroeder
CMS Germany

Christoph Schroeder advises companies on commercial and corporate law.He is an expert in supply chain compliance. This includes the German Supply Chain Act as well as Europe-wide and foreign regulations on corporate due diligence and reporting obligations. In this area, he supports clients, for example, in determining the applicability of legal regimes, setting up a risk management system, conducting risk analyses, drafting contracts and internal guidelines, as well as in infringement and liability cases.

He has co-authored the book “Praxisleitfaden Supply Chain Compliance” (Practical Guide to Supply Chain Compliance), which explains the essentials of the German Supply Chain Act.


10:00 - 11:00 hs GMT+1


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