In an era where sustainability is no longer just a buzzword but a defining principle, manufacturers are faced with the critical task of aligning their operations with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards. ESG represents a transformative framework that assesses the impact of a company’s sustainable and ethical practices on its financial performance and operations. Manufacturers seeking access to capital should consider the following: investors who value ESG practices are growing in number and influence. Recently, Bloomberg reported a record $120 billion invested sustainably in 2021, while federal and state regulators increasingly require organizations to comply with stringent ESG-related targets – from carbon emissions to gender-equal pay. Join us for an insightful webinar as we delve into the core elements of ESG and how they are revolutionizing the manufacturing industry, right from the heart of the process—the manufacturing conveyor belt. Our panelists will explore how faster and better data can lead to better decision-making for ESG initiatives. Top organizations are increasingly prioritizing ESG, but they should approach it from a data-driven mindset, ensuring a positive impact. In partnership with renowned experts from the Manufacturing Alliance, we will explore the following key aspects of ESG: - Environmental impact - Embracing social responsibility - Governance principles for transparency - Tracking data governance and compliance - Driving progress with ESG By attending this webinar, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of ESG and its profound influence on the manufacturing industry, as we explore the very heart of manufacturing—the conveyor belt—and how it can symbolize our collective journey toward a sustainable and responsible future.


17:00 - 18:00 hs GMT+1


Semarchy: The Unified Data Platform
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