About this Webinar

The 2023 R2 update for Ansys Charge Plus (formerly EMA3D Charge) includes the addition of the Ansys Discovery mesh engine, improvements to gas and flow and plasma modeling, and further solver integrations with other Ansys tools.

What You Will Learn

  • Mesh Engine Updates – the native Discovery mesh engine has been added to Charge Plus, tightening our integration and partnership with Ansys Discovery, and improving our meshing speed and stability when using the time domain FEM solver for a more optimized user experience. The FDTD solver in Charge Plus (which is the same solver as the FDTD one in EMC Plus) is updated - it has a new variable grid mesh feature that allows for smaller mesh sizes in some locations to resolve tiny features and larger mesh sizes in areas without such features to allow for faster computation.
  • Advanced Plasma and Gas Flow Modeling – Compressible fluid dynamics is coupled to the existing electrodynamic and PIC solvers in Charge Plus to create an advanced simulation tool for plasma and gas flow modeling in applications such as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition and etching.
  • Integration with Ansys Chemkin-Pro – Ionized gas and surface reactions are now captured in Charge Plus by coupling Chemkin-Pro to the PIC and the CFD solvers, providing a streamlined approach to simulating the complex chemical reactions involved in plasma-assisted processes.


kevin druis


Kevin-Druis Merenda is a Staff Scientist at Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc (EMA), where he's the Product Manager for EMA3D® Charge. He joined EMA in 2020 to apply his atmospheric electricity and elementary particle physics background to impactful industry projects. With involvement in large physics experiments such as the NA62 and LHCB experiments at CERN, or the Pierre Auger Cosmic-Ray Observatory, in Argentina, he knows that every bit of efficiency is needed to achieve the imposed deadlines. Kevin developed strong communication skills by presenting at conferences and publishing journal articles on the study of transient luminous events induced by lightning. His knowledge of numerical methods, approach to problem diagnostics, and data analysis skills are directly applicable to consulting projects involving EMA3D® Cable and EMA3D® Charge, the software products developed by EMA.


Tim Mcdonald Headshot


Tim McDonald is the President and Co-Owner of Electro Magnetic Applications, where he has implemented new system-modeling approaches to simulate the interaction of systems and their electronics with electromagnetic environments in a shorter time, with more accuracy, and at a lower cost. He is also a consultant to NASA and Department of Defense major primes[JO1]  for specialty engineering of critical systems, development of novel nanomaterial solutions to EMI/EMC problems, and the execution of major programs that require verification of electromagnetic environmental effects.


17:00 - 18:00 hs GMT+1


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