A recent Github survey shows that 92% of developers already use AI-powered coding assistants, and 70% believe these tools give them a distinct advantage at work. While it's hard to argue AI's positive impact on efficiency and productivity, the jury is still out on the quality of code AI-powered tools can produce.

In this webinar, we will ask our panel of experts:

  • What are the main AI trends in software development?
  • Can AI tools be trusted to create high-quality code?
  • How can AI be leveraged to improve code quality?
  • How important are code reviews, regardless of who or what creates the code?
Key Takeaways:
  • Learn the current state of AI in software development and trends to look for
  • Learn about the increasing importance of code quality in the AI coding era
  • Learn how AI can be used to review any code and improve quality
Developer Ambassador - OpenAI
Natalie Pistunovic is a learner, a Google Developer Expert for Go, an OpenAI ambassador, a public speaker, and a sailor. When she’s not teaching the next generation at HTW Berlin, she is organizing conferences like GopherCon Europe, BSides Berlin and HeyAI conferences, and the Berlin chapters of the Go and Women Techmakers user groups. Previously, she was an Engineering Manager, Software and Hardware Engineer, and Co-Founder of a mobile start-up. In her free time, she is wondering if there is life on Mars. Recently she spoke at Devoxx Greece 2023. 
CEO - Codacy
Jaime is the CEO and Co-Founder of Codacy, the leading code quality platform trusted by over 600,000 developers around the world. He’s been working in the code quality and software engineering tools industry for over 10 years. He holds a MsC in Software Engineering from IST. Previously he was also a researcher in Natural Language in INESC-Id. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family, surfing, BJJ, making good coffee and some modest reading and writing.
Developer Ambassador - OpenAI
Bram Adams is a writer and programmer based out of NYC. Bram publishes a weekly newsletter, is a community developer ambassador for OpenAI, does consulting related to AI/web dev/AR+VR, and is currently on a quest to change the way reading is done. Bram is the creator of Stenography, an API and VSC Extension that automatically documents code on save, which went #1 on Product Hunt. He also is the author of Bramses' Highly Opinionated Vault, an extremely detailed philosophy + vault template used by thousands of Obsidian users (new and old!), and ChatGPT MD, a (nearly) seamless integration of Chat GPT into Obsidian which has been downloaded by over twenty thousand Obsidian users. He also taught the GPT-3 in Production Course for O'Reilly Media, teaching students how to leverage LLMs in the real world of production. Previously Developer Advocate @ Algolia, Software Engineer @ HBO, Computer Science B.S. @ University of Rochester
CTO, Techstrong Group Principal - Techstrong Research
Mitchell Ashley is a renowned strategist and technology executive. Mitchell has led successful IT, SaaS, and cybersecurity transformations. He’s led multiple teams in developing and bringing to market successful online services, cybersecurity, and networking products and services. Mitch serves as Principal of Techstrong Research where he leads a team of preeminent experts in digital transformation, DevOps, cloud-native, and cybersecurity. In this role, Mitch works with companies to align digital transformation and technology strategies to achieve disruptive goals and high impact results. Mitch is in high demand as a speaker at conferences the world over, and his popular DevOps Chats podcast engaging with digital leaders is one of the most widely followed in the field.


19:00 - 20:00 hs GMT+1


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