Join us on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, for a special webinar event focused on marketing analytics and data science. We'll cover topics that include creating marketing efficiencies and measuring them, and we'll talk about the importance of analytics in storytelling.


We'll kick everything off with our special guest, Avinash Kaushik, Chief Strategy Officer at Croud. Avinash will share his insight about Artificial Intelligence for business, and the applications for marketing. Take a look at the full agenda and register to join us:


1 PM ET: Fireside chat with Avinash Kaushik, Chief Strategy Officer at Croud

Avinash and Scott Breitenother, Founder & CEO at Brooklyn Data

Avinash and Scott will discuss the role of AI in business and its applications to marketing. Plus, Avinash will give us some insights on what the future holds for this constantly changing disruptor.


1:20 PM ET: Mark Wakelin, Senior Consultant, Strategy & Value at Optimizely


Chaos to Clarity: Tackling Marketing Inefficiencies and Measuring Success  


Are you tired of drowning in emails and spreadsheets, wondering if your marketing efforts are even making a difference? What about sending countless emails and messages on Teams or Slack, only to receive no response? Or spending hours creating content for it never to be seen, used, or heard of again. Welcome to the broken world of marketing.


We'll discuss inefficiencies, silos, hippos and the elusive ROI. Get ready to go from chaos to clarity, transform your team's impact, and finally be able to prove it.


1:50 PM ET: FAST CHAT with Jennifer Vande Zande, Head of Digital Engagement at SAP CX and Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Advisor, CMI

Robert and Jennifer will talk about the role of analytics in storytelling and how SAP applies these to content development for their wildly successful The Future of Commerce content hub. 


2:05 PM ET: An exciting presentation from More details to come!


2:35 PM ET: 10-minute audience Q&A

Now is your chance to ask our presenters anything!




Avinash Kaushik

Chief Strategy Officer


Scott Breitenother

Founder & CEO

Brooklyn Data Co.

Mark Wakelin

Strategy & Value






Jennifer Vande Zande

Head, Digital Engagement


Robert Rose

Chief Strategy Advisor


Stephanie Stahl

General Manager




19:00 - 21:00 hs GMT+1


Content Marketing Institute
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