As the world dives deeper into the digital age, cryptocurrency has emerged as a groundbreaking innovation, reshaping how we perceive and transact value. Yet, like all technologies, it comes with its shadows. Join us for an in-depth exploration of "Crime & Crypto," where we delve into the intricate nexus between digital currency and the criminal underworld. Key Takeaways: Ransomware & Crypto: Understand the historical trajectory of crypto being weaponized as the go-to payment mode for ransom demands. Delve into the intricacies of how and why ransomware attacks have become synonymous with crypto transactions. Stealth & Sabotage: Explore the menacing world of malware specifically designed to pilfer private keys, providing criminals unbridled access to victims' crypto funds. Unravel the technicalities behind these stealthy codes and how they compromise security. Cryptomining Malware: Dive deep into the covert world of cryptomining malware, which hijacks victims' computational resources to mine cryptocurrency without their knowledge or consent. Learn about the evolution of these malicious scripts and their impact. Evolving Criminal Tactics: With the rising popularity and value of crypto assets, criminal strategies to pilfer them have also evolved. From phishing schemes to sophisticated hacks, we'll walk you through the transformation of these tactics over the years. Criminal Use Cases: Beyond theft and ransom, cryptocurrency has found favor among criminals for various nefarious activities. From money laundering to dark web transactions, explore the breadth of criminal use cases that have leveraged crypto's anonymity and decentralization. Digital currencies promise a future of decentralized and peer-to-peer financial empowerment, but as with all innovations, they can be misused. By understanding the potential pitfalls and threats in the crypto landscape, stakeholders can better safeguard their digital assets and promote a more secure crypto ecosystem.


13:00 - 14:00 hs GMT+1


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