Ransomware and other forms of malicious cyberattacks are a top threat to IT availability; and generally speaking, to ongoing business viability. A key element to reducing business impact and downtime is having well thought out options, both IT and business led options for compromised data recovery that can be adapted and undertaken quickly to address the particulars of a successful ransomware attack. Join us for this session that will shed some new insights on what it takes to reduce the risk of a failed data recovery effort. Key takeaways include: 1. The IT and non-IT led approaches to data recovery (its far more that restoring from backups). 2. Determining what data is most worthy of advanced levels of protection and recoverability. 3. How to get the business community ready to do their part. About the speaker: John Beattie has been a Principal Consultant with 11:11 Systems for more than 15 years where he has consulted with organizations looking to reduce operational risk by establishing or transforming their operational resilience programs including, business continuity, disaster and data recovery, and crisis management programs. He currently leads 11:11 Systems’ cyber-compromised data recovery consulting team. Prior to joining 11:11 Systems, John was the Global Director of Business Continuity for News Corporation. He also worked at Ernst & Young for more than 15 years where he worked closely with clients across many industries on a wide variety of strategic and tactical information technology and business process improvement engagements. John has attained FBCI certification from the Business Continuity Institute and Certified Third-Party Risk Professional (CTPRP) from the Shared Assessments Program. He is an alumnus of the New Jersey Institute of Technology where he earned undergraduate degrees in Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics and a Masters degree in Computer and Information Science.


12:00 - 13:00 hs GMT+1


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