Adversaries are attacking operational technology (OT) systems because they’re easy targets, and many manufacturers are willing to pay ransoms to get lines running again or to protect critical data. Manufacturers must understand the specific ways that hackers attack so they can proactively defend their operations and effectively respond to incidents if they occur.

Join us for this webinar, hosted by Dragos, where cybersecurity experts will explain four critical threat scenarios that manufacturers should be prepared to defend against:
- Trusted Vendor Compromise
- Shared IT/OT Dependencies
- Pipedream
- Ransomware
Participants will gain realistic insights into the techniques, tactics, and procedures leveraged by adversaries, empowering them to:
- Assess potential risks and vulnerabilities specific to OT systems
- Evaluate readiness and identify any security control gaps or incident response shortcomings
- Implement proactive security controls, such as network monitoring, segmentation and secure remote access
- Shape effective incident response plans, including defining roles and responsibilities, establishing communication channels and outlining incident containment and recovery procedures
Rich Witucki | Principal Industrial Consultant | Dragos
Richard Witucki is a Senior Industrial Consultant at the industrial cybersecurity company Dragos, Inc., where he is the primary subject matter expert who interfaces with the customer to perform architectural assessments, network vulnerability assessments, consequence-driven modeling of industrial environments, gap analysis, tabletop exercises and a range of other customer-facing activities.
Before joining Dragos, Rich worked as a Cybersecurity Consultant for Schneider Electric, responsible for reviewing and assessing customers’ ICS architectures. During his 15 years with Schneider Electric, Rich held positions as a Principal Engineering Consultant and Systems Architect focused on operational and industrial technologies (MES, MOM, SCADA, etc.) and as an Application Engineer. Other roles Rich has had throughout his career include Software Engineering Manager, Sales Engineer, and Electrical Test Engineer.
Gloria Cedillo Ferro | Senior Industrial Consultant | Dragos
Gloria Cedillo Ferro is a Senior Industrial Consultant at Dragos, Inc., with more than 15 years of experience in industrial control systems (ICS). As a control engineer, she has commissioned and developed PLC/DCS software, basic and detailed engineering, and accomplished startups for several types of industries, such as Water, Food & Beverage, Metal & Iron, and Steel. At Dragos, she is the primary subject matter expert that interfaces with the customer to perform architectural assessments, network vulnerability assessments, consequence-driven modeling of industrial environments, gap analysis, tabletop exercises, and a range of other customer-facing activities.
Robert Schoenberger | Editor-in-Chief | IndustryWeek


20:00 - 21:00 hs GMT+1


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