(Get Big, Get Bold, Get Paid) Right now, there are 3 billion websites and 10,000 marketing messages hitting your prospect's email inbox, Facebook, and Instagram every day. And it’s only going to get worse. (We are headed into an avalanche of A.I.) You can’t afford to be mediocre; you have got to DISRUPT to Stand Out and be Memorable. This is for You if: You feel like your business is inside a box, and you don’t want it to be there. You’re afraid of blending in because you struggle to message your business in a way that is Fresh & Unique. You know you need to be Disruptive and Stand OUt you don't know how. WHAT YOU’RE ABOUT TO DISCOVER How to capture your market with your own Unique Message How to zero in on what makes you Naturally Brilliant and Attractive. How to take that and Be Unique & Stand Out. How to take all of that, turn it into one powerful Brand, and Cash in on your expertise. How to consistently cash in on your uniqueness, brilliance, and stills. Ann will show you exactly how you can express your authentic self. Creating a brand that captures your energy signature, your vibe so you can STAND OUT and be instantly visible to the folks who are desperately looking for you. Right now, there are 3 billion websites and 10,000 marketing messages hitting your prospect's email inbox, Facebook, and Instagram every day. And it’s only going to get worse. (We are headed into an avalanche of A.I.) You can’t afford to be mediocre; you have got to DISRUPT to Stand Out and be Memorable. Experience the power of liberating your Rebel Spirit and Rake in the Revenues with conscious Branding Expert and mentor Ann Bennett. Ann’s passion is to support women to Own, Honor, and Unleash their gifts to make a difference in the World. She has a Rebel Magic that turns everyday folks into Renegades so they become Unapologetically themselves. Her process is called Renegade Branding. It's not what you do...it's who you are BEING that makes the biggest impact.


16:00 - 17:00 hs GMT+1


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