Learn how to build a cloud Building your own cloud entails several challenges. What hardware should you standardise on? Which software to choose? How do you ensure resilience and the desired level of security? And last but not least, how can you operate it effectively 24/7? Those are just examples of the most common concerns faced by IT leaders. Our workshop will introduce you to key tools to get started. You will learn how to build a cloud for proof of concept (PoC) purposes. Together, we will spin up a fully functional, highly available environment, capable of running production workloads. For these purposes, we will use Sunbeam - a new OpenStack project created to set the foundation for zero-ops OpenStack. Build your own cloud with us If you just want to join us to listen and learn, you are more than welcome. However, this workshop also provides you with an opportunity to build your own cloud on the spot. If this is something that you’re interested in, please follow the instructions below for the exact requirements. Come prepared, get it working and impress your manager. Prerequisites You should have the following ready to go for the workshop: 1) A minimum of three machines with Ubuntu 22.04 server edition pre-installed. Each node should have a minimum of: a) 4-Core CPU b) 16 GB of RAM c) 2x 100 GB Disk - one for the base OS and one for the block storage d) 2x NIC - one for the control plane traffic and one for the data plane traffic 2)Two pools of IP addresses available to be used: a) One for control plane services, from the subnet attached to the first NIC b) One for instance floating IPs, from the subnet attached to the second NIC (plus the VLAN ID, if using tagged VLANs) 3)Public internet access to the following domains: a) snapcraft.io b) charmhub.io c) registry.jujucharms.com d) registry.terraform.io e) quay.io f) dockerhub.io g) ghcr.io


14:00 - 15:00 hs GMT+1


Ubuntu and Canonical
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