As a startup founder, indie hacker, or product owner, you likely encounter a familiar challenge: building a product from the ground up can feel overwhelming, often taking months just to launch a minimum viable product (MVP). From creating a landing page and developing mobile apps for iOS and Android to enabling operations with internal dashboards, tracking metrics, managing data analysis, and overseeing supply chain operations, founders often struggle to get started. Without proper guidance, it can take months just to kickstart the engine. In this session, presented by Sajal Sarwar Sharma, Co-Founder and CTO of BitSave, we will explore how to leverage various low-code and no-code tools, along with select third-party vendors and boilerplates, to launch with limited capital and test your idea in just weeks—cutting down the timeline from months to mere weeks. With a decade of experience in the startup ecosystem, Sajal has successfully built two businesses from scratch by establishing processes, infrastructure, products, and engineering teams. Join us for this insightful tech talk, where we’ll discuss which tools and services are best suited for different use cases when you’re eager to jumpstart your business. Sajal will also share what worked well in his journey, the decisions that drove success, and valuable lessons learned from failures along the way. Gain actionable insights on how to build your idea with limited resources and achieve product-market fit.


14:00 - 15:00 hs GMT+1



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