In today’s cybersecurity arena, the stakes are higher than ever - and while the old adage says “offense wins games, but defense wins championships,” the truth is, successful cybersecurity teams need both. For CISOs, mastering the balance between a strong defense and an agile offense is key to staying ahead of evolving threats. Your offensive playbook must actively enable secure data sharing, foster collaboration, and drive business growth. Join us for a conversation with Virtru SVPs Dana Morris and Matt Howard as they break down how CISOs can strike a better balance between defensive data protection and proactive data sharing that puts points on the board. This engaging discussion will reveal how modern organizations are supplementing defensive tactics with proactive, offensive plays to secure sensitive data while unleashing its full potential. Key takeaways include: Why offense is often overlooked: How governing shared data can fuel innovation and business value, all while keeping it protected. Defense that goes beyond the perimeter: Protecting data no matter where it travels, inside or outside your organization. Building a winning strategy: Leveraging the latest advancements in zero trust and cloud security to stay ahead of evolving threats. Real-world victories: See how Virtru helps organizations balance both sides of the security equation. Whether you're looking to reinforce your defense or take your offense to the next level, this webinar will equip CISOs and cybersecurity practitioners with the insights needed to build a security strategy that not only protects but also powers your organization’s success in today’s high-stakes digital game.


18:00 - 19:00 hs GMT+1



EC-Council | Security Channel
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