Data breaches and privacy concerns are an increasingly important issue for organizations of all sizes, public and private. As a result, leaders are finding they need to rethink how they manage and protect sensitive information. This presentation looks at new, transformative trends in automation for data management which, in addition to being more efficient, can support data privacy and security. Industry thought leader Donald Farmer will explore the limitations of manual data handling and how automation can mitigate risks associated with human error, poor performance, and inconsistencies. You will learn about cutting-edge automated solutions that enable real-time monitoring, access control, and regulatory compliance. By adopting an automated approach - even just starting out on this path - organizations can not only safeguard their data assets but also build trust with customers and stakeholders. It’s an important topic and one which will resonate with every data manager concerned with security and privacy.


22:00 - 23:00 hs GMT+1



Business Intelligence and Analytics
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