Are you looking to enhance the performance, security, and efficiency of your NGINX deployments? Look no further! We are excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar, "NGINX Uncomplicated: Security, Visibility & Automation". This session is designed to demystify the complexities of NGINX and empower you with the knowledge to take your applications to the next level. What to Expect: Discover how to unify security controls and increase system visibility. Learn from expert speakers about using NGINX Instance Manager. Gain insights on the best practices for NGINX deployment and management. Explore practical techniques to embrace automation for a more resilient platform. Who Should Attend: This webinar is perfect for Platform Architects & Engineers, DevOps teams, and system administrators who are serious about optimizing their NGINX management strategies. Takeaways: By the end of the webinar, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of: Security best practices for NGINX environments. Monitoring and logging tools that provide actionable insights. Automation techniques to streamline deployments and save resources. Whether you're fine-tuning your setup or just starting out, this webinar will pave the way for a more efficient and confident approach to application delivery. Register now to secure your spot and join a community of professionals committed to excellence in NGINX management.


05:30 - 06:00 hs GMT+1



F5 A Force For Cybersecurity - APAC
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