The typical B2C buying journey is digital-first, but it’s not digital-only. Most high-value leads convert via the contact center for B2C brands in high-touch industries where purchases are complex and expensive. However, the laser focus on digital loses sight of the offline experience, causing disjointed buyer experiences for customers and poor revenue growth for brands.  The modern online-to-offline buying journey requires full orchestration from the first click to the final human touch that drives the sale. Invoca’s revenue execution platform accomplishes this by connecting the contact center to every caller’s digital journey data. This brings the details of the digital journey straight to the agent who picks up the phone and enables sales and marketing leaders to optimize every piece of the buying journey.  Join Opus Research and Invoca for a live, interactive webinar to learn how connecting the buying journey data from click, to call, to conversion drives more revenue and customer lifetime value. Topics include: * Using revenue execution platforms to connect the contact center, sales, and marketing teams * Identifying and predicting customer intent to improve CX, retention, and conversion rates * Adding AI-powered automation that optimizes agent performance, CSAT, and revenue * Establishing revenue-focused KPIs for the modern buying journey  * How to utilize AI-powered first-party customer data in a secure and privacy-friendly manner


17:00 - 18:00 hs GMT+1



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