In the rapidly changing virtualization landscape, organizations are encountering increased pricing, forced migrations, and stifled innovation. To address these challenges, there is a growing need for stable, secure, and open-source supported alternatives that can modernize traditional workloads. This webinar will explore how combining on-premise and cloud-native solutions on AWS can provide a unified approach to managing both virtualized and containerized workloads. Learn how leveraging contemporary application delivery practices, such as GitOps and infrastructure as code, can enhance even legacy applications. Discover the benefits of high availability, scalability, and flexibility offered by AWS infrastructure, along with the open-source advantages that can serve as a catalyst for accelerating workload migration to the cloud. With AWS offering financial incentives, now is the perfect time to consider transitioning from legacy hypervisors to modern, cloud-native application delivery. In our upcoming webinar, we will explore the integration of virtualization and containerization on AWS, focusing on how you can: Rehost to AWS - Accelerate your cloud adoption journey with a quick Lift & Shift of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on AWS EC2. Replatform to Openshift on AWS - Discover the operational efficiencies of using a single, modern management plane for both virtual machines and containerized workloads on AWS. Refactor and Modernize - Learn how to modernize your traditional applications in place, making it easier to integrate with AWS native services. Learn from Cloud-Native Virtualization Case Studies - Gain insights from top use cases and customer successes in cloud-native virtualization. Qualify for AWS Migration Funding - Understand how AWS supports on-premise customers transitioning from VMware to AWS with incremental incentives. Join our experts to define your migration strategy from legacy hypervisors and leverage a cloud-native approach on AWS.


04:00 - 05:00 hs GMT+1



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