In an era where cyber threats are increasing in sophistication and who they are targeting, one law firm was hit by ransomware and has now sued their MSP for $1M dollars. Is your MSP setting itself up for success to defend against these types of legal actions? Join us for an insightful webinar with cyber insurance and Tech E&O expert Joseph Brunsman, Founder of The Brunsman Group, as he chats with Brian Helwig, CEO of MSP360 and Robert Callaghan, Sr Product Marketing Manager from Wasabi where we delve into the critical role of cyber insurance in protecting your organization's data. This session will provide a comprehensive understanding of what cyber insurance is, why it is essential, and how it can serve as a crucial component of your overall cybersecurity strategy. What you will learn: · Key insights into the $1M claim. · Why requiring cyber insurance is good for both the MSP and their clients. · Best practices for lowering cyber insurance costs and mitigating ransomware (hint: use immutability/object lock!) · How to build defense in depth on the business side of your MSP to better defend against such claims. 5 lucky attendees will win a copy of Joseph’s book “DAMAGE CONTROL: CYBER INSURANCE AND COMPLIANCE”! [WASABI + MSP360 PRIVACY NOTE] Wasabi and MSP360 are collecting your personal data when you submit such information as a part of the registration process above. By registering for this webinar, you agree that Wasabi and [Partner] may contact you by email about products, services, and offerings that may be of interest to you. You may opt out at any time. For more information, please visit Wasabi's Privacy Policy ( and/or MSP360’s Privacy Policy: Speakers: - Joseph Brunsman, Brunsman Advisory Group - Brian Helwig, CEO, MSP360 - Robert Callaghan, Sr Product Marketing Manager, Wasabi


15:00 - 16:00 hs GMT+1


Wasabi Technologies
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