In today's dynamic digital landscape, the scarcity of skilled IT professionals poses a significant challenge to achieving effective digital transformation. The Red Hat 2024 Global Tech Outlook survey underscores this issue, highlighting skill set gaps as a primary barrier to digital success among IT decision-makers. To overcome these challenges and foster a future-ready workforce, organizations must adopt a robust learning and training strategy aligned with their business imperatives. Join us for an insightful webinar designed to empower Learning & Development, HR, and IT leaders seeking to navigate the evolving IT landscape with confidence. This session will explore crucial topics including: -How skill shortages hinder organizational growth and innovation, and explore strategies to mitigate these challenges. -Learn best practices for cultivating a continuous learning environment -Discover top skills critical for professionals to remain competitive and adaptive -Gain insights into Red Hat’s comprehensive training offerings and certification paths -Hear perspectives from thought leaders and practitioners -Actionable advice on initiating and scaling effective learning strategies within your organization. By attending this webinar, you will acquire valuable insights and practical strategies to bridge IT talent gaps, drive digital transformation, and cultivate a resilient and future-ready workforce in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your approach to learning and development and lead with confidence in the fast-paced realm of IT. Speaker: Vikram Motiani is the Senior Director, APAC Global Learning Services with 35 years of experience in the IT Industry, with leadership roles in public and private sector multinational organizations. He is passionate about upskilling and as the head of the Red Hat Training & Certification business in APAC, actively drives the client, partner and student enablement to empower the youth.


05:00 - 06:00 hs GMT+1


Red Hat APAC
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