This event has been rescheduled from May 16, 2024. In this age of AI, it is also an age of confusion – of hype, fear, and over inflated expectations. As is usually the case with new chapters in our technology history, it is important to understand what is possible, what is practical and what is nonsense. One area of misunderstanding is the role of data quality, content architecture and organizational knowledge. Some believe that all you need to do is point AI tools at all your data and it will derive schemas and controlled vocabularies., ontologies and knowledge graphs. While it is true that the tools can accelerate certain steps to information management, curation, and retrieval, the role of a foundational reference architecture as well as several other capabilities and processes cannot be overlooked. Join us for a presentation from Seth Earley, CEO of Earley Information Science (EIS), a leading consulting firm focused on organizing information for business impact. Earley will provide an understanding of the foundational elements and how to communicate these required elements to business stakeholders and executives. He will also discuss how to justify investments and where and how to illustrate return on investment. This session will give you the tools to be successful and help you communicate the realities of AI to leadership. Can’t make it? Register, and we’ll send you a link you can use to watch a recording when it’s convenient for you. This event is brought to you by The Content Wrangler and is sponsored by Heretto, a powerful component content management system (CCMS) platform to deploy help and API documentation in a single portal designed to delight your customers.


17:00 - 18:00 hs GMT+1


The Content Wrangler
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