Join Eeshita Grover, an experienced content strategy leader, for a free 90-minute online course titled "Key Performance Indicators in ContentOps Management." This workshop can help you to integrate your content strategy seamlessly with your product strategy to boost the impact and effectiveness of enterprise content. "Key Performance Indicators in ContentOps Management" will help you zero-in on the metrics that define the success of content strategies. This workshop is designed to empower you to measure, analyze, and interpret key performance indicators (KPIs) that directly impact product adoption and customer engagement. You will gain an understanding of essential content success KPIs, including but not limited to: Impact on Product Adoption: Learn to track user actions, such as clicks and purchases, to evaluate the influence of content on buying behavior. Engaged Time/Dwell Time: Discover the significance of measuring how long visitors stay engaged with your content, an indicator of content relevance and effectiveness. Audience Segmentation: Learn to segment audiences for targeted content delivery and improved user experiences. Visitor Metrics: Analyze data on new and returning visitors to gauge content reach and retention. Trend Comparisons: Discover how to connect disparate data points and observe emerging trends that inform strategic decisions. Recirculation Rate: Explore how to monitor users’ content journeys to optimize pathways and enhance content recirculation. Case Deflection/Self-Service: Learn to measure the effectiveness of your content in enabling self-service capabilities, reducing support overhead and improving user satisfaction. Can’t make it? Register, and we’ll send you a link you can use to watch a recording. Brought to you by The Content Wrangler and sponsored by Heretto, a powerful component content management system (CCMS) platform to deploy help and API documentation in a single portal designed to delight your customers.


17:00 - 18:00 hs GMT+1



The Content Wrangler
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