In today's media landscape, we consistently encounter news of companies falling victim to cyberattacks, resulting in the exposure and sale of their data on the dark web. The wide array of data available on the dark web market, including internal databases, infrastructure access, and compromised accounts, presents a pervasive problem that affects businesses of all sizes. These breaches and related incidents don’t only disrupt operations and damage reputations, but they can also result in substantial fines and legal consequences. According to Kaspersky, nearly half of the organizations that faced data breach incidents in 2022 lacked contact person responsible for handling such incidents. About one-third either failed to react, denied the incident, or showed indifference to their data being traded on the dark web. Only a few were adequately prepared to respond. At our upcoming webinar, Anna Pavlovskaya, an expert at Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence, will present a comprehensive guide to setting up a system that monitors dark web threats and navigating the aftermath of an incident. You will gain insights into: - Structuring the incident response process, including the approach, necessary steps, and the specific roles assigned to the team members responsible for the process. - Identifying the types of data commonly offered for sale on the dark web and understanding the differing response strategies based on these data categories. - Effective communication with the media, customers, partners, shareholders, top management, and other parties involved. - Strategies for rapid incident identification, investigation, response, and recovery from an incident or preventing it from occurring.


05:00 - 06:00 hs GMT+1



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