Noticias » Tecnologías ERP: PLM

A Perfect Storm for PLM: On the Ownership of Product Data and the Future of Product Development (

Who owns your product data? This somewhat paradoxical question arose during the recent PLM event PDT Europe and the answer is not as obvious as a first glance might suggest.

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Actualizado el 7 de enero, 2016 - 14.32hs.

“There are important aspects on this that are not always considered,” claimed Gartner analyst Marc Halpern in this TV report. “What I do tell my clients is that if they think that they own their product data, they should be thinking about the costs to take that data and migrate it to another system.”

“I think it’s a travesty that they pay their employees so much money to create that data in the first place and then it’s locked into a vendor,” Halpern continued, speaking of how vendors essentially own the data on their systems. “You know, these end-user companies, my clients, have to pay a ransom fee in order to get their data off of their systems.”

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