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How to Turn Your Engineers Into Product Design Superheroes [Whitepaper en inglés]

Whitepaper de Arena

Por Redacción ERP-Spain.com
Actualizado el 30 de diciembre, 2015 - 15.08hs.

Today's innovative companies are built on the shoulders of the engineering teams responsible for designing products. Smart companies invest in tools that translate into better products. A modern Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solution removes tedious admin responsibilities, streamlines the design environment, and empowers engineers to collaborate more efficiently with other departments.

In short, PLM enables engineers to make the organization more profitable by allowing them to spend more time focused on the task they do best: designing innovative, world-class products.

In this whitepaper, we focus on how PLM empowers engineers to spend more time on product design by optimizing their relationship with the different departments across the organization with which they must interact.

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