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Visualización y analítica de datos con Infor BI 10x. Webinar de 40 minutos.

Webinar en inglés celebrado el 14 de Enero de 2014

Visualización y analítica de datos con Infor BI 10x. Webinar de 40 minutos.

Un momento de la presentación

Por Redacción
Actualizado el 5 de mayo, 2015 - 03.45hs.

Para mantenerse competitivos, la estrategia de visibilidad de datos debe soportar los cambios de negocio, se requiere Inteligencia de Negocio y analytics de modo que se pueda confiar en la información en tiempo real.

In a comfortable spreadsheet environment, you can access, filter, analyze, and publish information on demand. Do you want to quickly see the potential impacts of changes before they happen? It’s easy to model “what if” scenarios with multiple business rules and drill down to any level of detail.

Join us for this webcast to discover how you can:

  • Easily integrate both Infor and third-party software applications
  • Get fast access to real-time information, no matter where you are
  • Access accurate data from all parts of your organization
  • React faster and with greater confidence

With standard analysis and reports, advanced analytics and planning capabilities, self-service dashboards, and social collaboration, Infor BI 10x can enrich decision-making. Don’t miss this chance to see how you can leverage data mining and advanced analysis that includes sorting, ranking, color-coding, animated charts, and more—so you can access information in seconds.

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