Noticias » Tecnologías ERP: Accounts Payable » Químicas

Proveedor de químicos firma acuerdo de 380,000 EUR con ReadSoft para usar su tecnología de cuentas por pagar

La compañía es referencia mundial en químicos, y actualmente procesa cientos de miles de facturas con la solución de invoice automation certificada por SAP de ReadSoft

Por Redacción
Actualizado el 8 de octubre, 2013 - 05.19hs.

eadSoft France has reached an agreement with a global essential and specialty chemicals provider. The existing customer has chosen to expand its use of ReadSoft’s invoice automation solution. The deal was signed in the third quarter of 2013, and includes licenses and services, with a total project value of 380,000 EUR.

The customer is a world-leading chemical company who already processes hundreds of thousands of invoices with ReadSoft’s SAP-certified invoice automation solution. Accounts payable efficiency is an important function for the company, which conducts billions of dollars worth of business each year. As a result of a merger and optimization project, the company has chosen to expand the use of ReadSoft’s solution for its invoice processing requirements and process optimization work. The company chose the ReadSoft solution due to previous positive experiences with ReadSoft’s solutions, and importantly, due to the solution’s flexibility for deployment across multiple international locations.

ReadSoft has a specialized team for global projects, which also helps allow for an easy international rollout and a simplified maintenance setup – two factors that are important for large multinational companies, and were attractive to the client in this case.

Per Åkerberg, President and CEO of ReadSoft, says he is delighted to be helping another company that is a world-leader in its field to achieve even greater efficiency.

“Our leading solution for invoice automation is well proven and we are excited to be able to help this company save time and costs in their accounts payable processes. We look forward to working closely with them to help them achieve their goals,” finishes Åkerberg. 



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